
35th Liège International Astrophysics Colloquium

July 5-8, 1999



Sunday, 4 July

16:00-20:00 Registration desk opened - soft drinks

Monday, 5 July

09:00-09:30 Welcome, Official Opening
Section I: Early Galactic Nucleosynthesis
09:30-10:15 Nucleosynthesis in massive stars. A. Maeder
10:15-10:45 Coffee Break / Poster session
10:45-11:30 Supernova yields. D. Arnett
11:30-12:15 S-process nucleosynthesis in AGB stars. S. Goriely
12:15-14:10 Lunch
14:10-14:30 What extremely metal-poor stars tell about nucleosynthesis in supernovae. T. Shigeyama
14:30-14:50 Chemical evolution of the galactic halo through supernova-induced star formation and its implication for population III stars. T. Tsujimoto
14:50-15:10 Overshoot in giant stars - consequences for structure and chemical evolution. F. Herwig
15:10-15:40 Break / Poster Session
Section II: Chemical Composition of Metal-Poor Stars
15:40-16:10 Abundances of light elements in extremely metal-poor stars. R. Gratton
16:10-16:40 Heavy element abundances in very metal-poor stars. S. Ryan
16:40-17:00 Copper and zinc abundances in extremely metal-poor stars. F. Primas

Tuesday, 6 July

Section II: Chemical Composition of Metal-Poor Stars
09:00-09:45 Chemical composition of mildly metal-poor stars. P.E. Nissen
09:45-10:05 Inhomogeneous chemical evolution of the galactic halo. C. Travaglio
10:05-10:25 Chemical abundance anomalies in the galactic halo - sodium in dwarf stars. S. Feltzing
10:25-10:55 Coffee Break / Poster Session
10:55-11:15 Abundance correlations in mildly metal-poor stars. E. Jehin
11:15-12:00 Globular cluster chemistry: overall trends and intriguing variations. Ch. Sneden
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:20 The discovery of lithium-rich bright giants in globular clusters. R. Kraft
14:20-14:40 Chemical abundances of bright giants in the mildly metal-poor globular cluster M4. I. Ivans
14:40-15:00 [Fe/H] determinations for individual stars in globular clusters. G. Cayrel de Strobel
15:00-15:20 Metallicity ranking of galactic globular clusters. I. Saviane
15:20-15:40 Spectroscopy of main sequence stars in globular clusters. J. Cohen
15:40-16:10 Break / Poster Session
Section III: Metal-Poor Components of our Galaxy
16:10-16:55 Kinematics of thick disk and halo stars. B.W. Carney
16:55-17:15 Kinematics of globular clusters based on Hipparcos calibrated proper motions. M. Geffert
18:00-21:00 COCKTAIL CSL

Wednesday, 7 July

Section III: Metal-Poor Components of our Galaxy
09:00-09:45 Formation scenarios. R. Wyse
09:45-10:05 Late halo formation: star formation history of the satellites. G. Gilmore
10:05-10:35 Coffee Break / Poster Session
10:35-10:55 Building the stellar halo by disrupted satellites. A. Helmi
10:55-11:15 Neural Network identification of the halo white dwarf population. E. Garcia-Berro
11:15-11:35 The properties of the halo white dwarf population. J. Isern
11:35-11:55 The multimodal metallicity distribution of thick disk: implications for galactic evolution. S. Karaali
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:20 Field HB stars, population I or population II ? K.S. de Boer
14:20-14:40 Studies of M31's stellar halo. D. Reitzel
14:40-15:00 Old white dwarfs in the galactic halo: looking for the MACHOs. H. Richer
Section IV: HR Diagrams of Globular Clusters
15:05-15:50 Photometry of globular cluster stars - CMDs. P. Stetson
15:50-16:20 Break / Poster Session
16:20-17:05 HR diagrams: theorist views. F. D'Antona
17:05-17:50 Ages of globular clusters. B. Chaboyer

Thursday, 8 July

Section IV: HR Diagrams of Globular Clusters
09:00-09:20 Evolution and surface abundances of globular cluster red giants. C. Charbonnel
09:20-09:40 The (logTeff, Mbol) diagram of metal-poor stars with Hipparcos parallaxes: comparison with theoretical isochrones using NLTE iron abundances. R. Cayrel
09:40-10:00 A comparison of theoretical isochrones for globular clusters giant branches. T. Lejeune
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break / Poster Session
10:30-10:50 Galactic globular cluster relative ages: new clues on the Milky Way formation. G. Piotto
10:50-11:10 Blue horizontal branch stars in globular clusters. S. Moehler
Section V: Chemical and Dynamical Evolution of Globular Clusters
11:15-12:00 Early stages of globular clusters. A. Burkert
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:45 Dynamical evolution of globular clusters. G. Meylan
14:45-15:05 On the possibility of self-enrichment in globular clusters. G. Parmentier
15:05-15:25 Accretion processes onto globular cluster stars. A. Thoul
15:25-15:45 The stellar IMF and the disruption of globular clusters. G. De Marchi
15:45-16:15 Break / Poster Session
16:15-16:35 The dynamical evolution of globular clusters in the galaxy. K. Takahashi
16:35-16:55 Stellar populations and dynamics in the cores of dense globular clusters in the galactic halo. P. Guhathakurta
16:55-17:15 The evolution of rotating stellar collision products. A. Sills
17:15 Concluding remarks by Icko Iben, President

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