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de Géophysique (Bât. B5c)
Quartier Agora
Allée du 6 août, 19C
B-4000 Liège 1 (Sart-Tilman)
Tel.: 04.366.9779
Fax: 04.366.9729
Doctoral thesis
Every year, several new PhD students (Belgian or foreign) join our department. They conduct personal researches and deepen their knowledge on topics related to Astrophysics, Geophysics and Oceanography. During their PhD, they have the opportunity to become integrated into international research teams, to present their findings both to the general public (outreach activities) and to their peers (participation to international conferences), to go on site to collect observations or to visit other universities to improve their skills. After completing their thesis, they can either continue their work in international research centers, or join high-tech companies, where their specialized training is greatly appreciated.
Currently 54 PhD students complete their thesis in our department. According to their research topic, they belong to one of two doctoral colleges linked to the department: the Doctoral College of Oceanography or the Doctoral College of Space Science.
Thematic doctoral schools offer courses and seminars that may be part of doctoral education. The Department AGO is actively involved into two thematic doctoral schools. The PandA thematic doctoral school provides training in Physics and Astrophysics, while the UNITER thematic doctoral school focuses its training on astrophysics, on space science, on Earth science and on climatology.
In order to find opportunities corresponding to a specific topic, please contact the relevant researchers.
Practical information about doctoral thesis can be found on the website of the Faculty of Sciences. (in particular, the doctorate enrolment, the thesis committee constitution and the "jury" (board of examiners) committee constitution forms).